Monday, February 3, 2020

Sales Rewards and Incentives Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sales Rewards and Incentives - Coursework Example Job-related incentives are one of the sales incentives which are least expensive. They can be in form of additional vacation time at no out-of-pocket cost. These are mainly incentives which are related to daily work responsibilities of the team. These can include but not limited to a half day of work, funny celebration gifts, watch movie as a sales team, etc. This is very significant in motivating the employees (Fisher, 2003). Tangible incentives are something of monetary value. This can be milk and cookies, new cell phones, laptops, or other gadgets that are of great importance to the employees. However, the items should be valuable in order to excite the sales force and motivate them to work harder (Fisher, 2003). Experience incentives have been identified as one that impacts positively towards the happiness of the salesperson than purchases. For instance, instead of sending just one sales person to a Hawaii, it is more fulfilling when a team-based contest is organized with a team experience being the main price (Fisher, 2003). This plays a significant role in not only rewarding the high performers but also to create a strong bond between the salespeople. This improves the level of teamwork, an aspect that is replicated in the overall performance of the business.

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